Escape To The Sewer

Demonstration video :


During the year 2021 to 2022 of my master I realized a project alone on a duration of two weeks. The goal of this project was to validate my programming skills for my second year of master. The objective was to realize all the aspects of programming in game on Player, Enemy(AI), Animation, UI, Sound Design, Particles, Score Manager and other aspects. The 3D assets, character and annimation come from the Unity assets store and Mixamo. It's a single player horror game where the player has to escape from the sewers to get away from the monsters chasing him. The game was made on Unity .

Gameplay aspect :

Game : The goal of the game is that the player manages to escape from the sewers with the best time without dying. The player will encounter various interactive elements such as doors, keys and a flashlight to succeed in his escape. He will have to find the different keys in the environment to open the different doors of the level to reach the exit.

Player : The player can move, run, crouch and jump. The player has life points and a stamina bar. He will also be able to interact with objects (key, doors, flashlight). The lamp can be turned on or off by the player. To open the doors he will have to select the right key in his inventory when he picks it up. Specifically for the player, he will be able to overload his flashlight to make the monsters run away temporarily. His flashlight will have to recharge to do this action again.

Enemy : Monsters randomly appear in various locations on the map at each game start. They patrol different areas and can chase the player when they see him and then attack him when he is in close combat. They can wound and kill the player. In the case of an overload of the player's flashlight the monsters can flee for a short time before resuming their patrols. Specificity of the monsters is that they can move on the ground classically but also on the walls and the ceiling.

NavMesh Advanced :

For this project I used the NavMesh Advanced package from Unity which allows access to advanced features of the NavMesh system. For this project the fundamental principle of the AI was that it should be able to move as freely as possible. In horror games, the AI's behavior should be stressful. For this I created and bake several NavMesh zones that I linked with NavMesh Links to link the different NavMesh together by indicating the costs of moves. The AI takes the shortest path by definition and can afford to climb to the ceiling to reach a side where the player is located. You can see the behavior of the AI in patrol mode below.

pic 1IA with Advanced NavMesh