During the year 2021 to 2022 of my master's degree I did a team project over a period of one week. This project is an experiment in VR which had for goal the use of several different technologies to join them in a single experiment. Our team was composed of a 3D graphic designer and two programmers including me. The game was made on Unity.
For this project we used the HTC Vive Pro Eyes which allows to follow the eyes but also the Windows voice recognition integrated in Unity. The experience puts a user in the place of an artificial intelligence that learns to become a human. He will have to pass a number of tests to be recognized as a human. He will be able to communicate with a voice assistant.
Gameplay aspect :Game : The goal of the game is to pass four tests, the first one is based on the visual recognition of animals, the second one is an eye reflex test. The third is based on the look of a human and how to look with respects and the last test is the apprehension of the aim with the look.
Player : The player uses his gaze my aim and he also uses his voice to answer the questions asked by the assistant but also to control the application. The player has no controllers. The player represents an AI that must train to become human.
Assistant : The assistant tells the players the rules, asks questions and answers the user. It is the essence of the application. It represents an AI that judges whether you are fit to be human.